It's cyanide really that bad?

We all know that it can be deadly, it´s comon knowledge. But did you know taht in smaller dosis it can add a new world of flavours? Recent studies have prooved that on a small scale, the cyanide reacts in some special ways with our taste buds creating flavours we could never imagine.

Is water... soup?

A question that teared apart the world. Many people have argue about this topic for a while, but remains opened as the world waits for an aswer. Two of the most popular theories are that "Yes- soup is defined as a liquid dish, typically made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables in stock or water. Since it says “typically” that means neither the boiling nor the other ingredients are necesaary. Therefore, water is a soup" and "No, are you dumb?"

A rat ate it's tumor and survived

Recently, a rat with a benign tumor has become famous in social media for eating it's own tumor, wicth may sound gross but helped the rat to get rid of it. This could change everytihg we now of medicine and cooking as far as we know.