HotDogs. Sandwich or taco?

There is many questions that never meet an answer , but there's hope for those who seek the truth. As for the Hotdog, it's a taco. This brave statement was recently post by "The Washington Post" in one of it's articles, where they end this mistery about what type of food a taco is, a sandwitch or a taco. As for the answer, they go for the taco, explaining that it's in fact a geometrical problem and cathegorizing the food by how its covered. Not only this explains the taco, but also means that a pizza is a big round toast and when you cut a slice, it becames a taco.

But, with this method, there is one mistery that still remains incomplete: "What is a burrito". Hom many years untill we find the answer? we don't know, but the only certain thing is that we will find it.